Australia's National Packaging Targets
The National Packaging Targets (NPTs) are a key commitment from Australian industry and government to transition towards a circular economy for packaging. They apply to all packaging made, used, and sold in Australia.
The Australian Packaging Covenant Organisation (APCO) is responsible for facilitating progress towards the Targets, in collaboration with industry, government, and the broader packaging value chain. Initially set with a 2025 deadline, it is clear that the Targets will not be fully met within this timeframe. However, work is continuing to accelerate progress, and a revised target date will be established.
The National Packaging Targets
The Targets were established in 2018 following industry and government consultation and align with global best practice in sustainable packaging. They were endorsed by the Federal and all Australian State and Territory Governments and are reflected in the 2019 National Waste Policy Action Plan and 2021 National Plastics Plan.
The Targets are:
- 100% reusable, recyclable, or compostable packaging (Current progress: 86% as of 2022-23)
- 70% of plastic packaging being recycled or composted (Current progress: 19% as of 2022-23)
- 50% average recycled content included in packaging (Current progress: 44% as of 2022-23)
- The phase-out of problematic and unnecessary single-use plastics packaging (Current progress: 40% reduction from baseline as of 2022-23)
Tracking Progress on the National Packaging Targets
Each year, APCO collects benchmark data to assess Australia’s progress towards achieving the Targets. The Consumption & Recovery Data report provides an in-depth analysis of current performance, key challenges, and areas requiring further action.
While progress has been made, significant gaps remain—particularly in plastic packaging recovery.
📌 Read the latest Consumption & Recovery Data report (2022-23)
What’s Next?
Delivering a circular economy for packaging is a long-term commitment that requires systemic change. APCO’s 2030 Strategic Plan outlines the next steps to bridge economic gaps and accelerate progress. Highlights of the plan include:
- Increased recycling: direct support for high-quality collection, recycling and packaging stewardship activities that, additional to business-as-usual, will enable the achievement of recycling targets and the production of high-quality Australian recycled content.
- New membership fee model: following modelling and targeted consultation, APCO member fees will be calculated using eco-modulation (ecological modulation). This will be based on each member’s packaging profile and incentivises the design of packaging for reduction, reuse, and recovery. The aim is for these to be in place in the financial year 2026-27.
- New indicators: The goals of the Covenant will be tracked using new indicators in addition to the NPTs, including the reduction of materials sent to landfill.
- Social license: the plan ensures that brand owners will have a supportive system that allows community expectations on packaging design and disposal to be met.
📌 Read the 2030 Strategic Plan
How Businesses Can Get Involved
Businesses play a critical role in delivering the National Packaging Targets. Organisations can become an APCO Member to access tools, resources, and support to improve packaging sustainability and compliance.