APCO Resources Launched
Wednesday 20 April
PFAS in Fibre-Based Packaging
APCO launched PFAS in Fibre-Based Packaging. The report outlines the results of a study identifying the presence of PFAS in fibre-based food packaging and an effective testing methodology for industry. The study was led by APCO and supported with funding from the Commonwealth Department of Agriculture, Water, and the Environment. It focused on fibre-based, food-contact packaging, due to the common use of PFAS internationally in this type of packaging as a barrier to heat, stains, grease, and water.
Scaling up Reusable Packaging
The Australian Packaging Covenant Organisation (APCO) has published Scaling Up Reusable Packaging, a new resource which outlines the importance of reuse and how businesses and users can benefit from reusable packaging models. The document outlines the many opportunities for reusable packaging in both the B2C and B2B market, with several case studies outlining how many businesses have already successfully adopted reuse models. Watch the webinar