APCO reminds ARL Program Users to remove old soft plastic recycling labels

Monday 6 May 2024

APCO reminds all members participating in the Australasian Recycling Label (ARL) Program to replace old soft plastic recycling labels with either the updated ARL Check Locally logo, or switch to the Bin logo.  ARL Users whose packaging meets new soft plastic thresholds under the ARL Program are eligible for the ARL’s new Check Locally logo for soft plastic packaging (introduced in July 2023). ARL Program Users who do not meet these thresholds, must update their logos to the ‘Not Recyclable’ bin logo.  

It is imperative to avoid any confusion or misleading impressions given by any existing ‘REDcycle’ or ‘Return to Store’ recycling representations on packaging or labelling in circulation.

More about the Check Locally logo 

As Australia's soft plastic recycling capabilities are reinstated, the Check Locally logo has been introduced as a flexible tool which is able to reflect new collection processes as they come into effect. Consumers who see the Check Locally logo are directed to arl.org.au, where they can search for their nearest collection point.  

New soft plastic collection points are already available and can be located through arl.org.au. This includes supermarket soft plastic collection trials at ALDI, Coles, and Woolworths in Melbourne. There are also specific council sites, such as the Randwick Recycling Centre, where Randwick council residents can drop off their soft plastic packaging. 

The advantage of the Check Locally logo is that brand owners will not need to regularly update labels as the soft plastics recycling market evolves and changes, ensuring consumers have the most up-to-date recycling guidance.  

To qualify to use the Check Locally logo, soft plastics will need to meet new thresholds. The new thresholds are aligned with global best practice. They encourage design for circularity and enable higher value recovery. Please refer to the Quickstart Guide for further information. The thresholds for New Zealand remain unchanged.  

The logo can also be applied to other any material where significant kerbside or drop off collections exist but are not yet available to 80% of the Australian population.   

APCO CEO Chris Foley emphasises the important role consumers play in the recovery of soft plastics, “We're proud to work with organisations who have already made the switch to the new Check Locally logo, providing accurate recycling information to consumers. We have a solution that means consumers can have confidence in choosing a recycling pathway for their soft plastics. We urge businesses to update their recycling labels to avoid any consumer confusion.”  


Click here to find out more about the ARL.